May 18, 2018

Throwback: Dennis Prager Praises Hypocrisy

Some of you may be familiar with the right-wing radio host/ founder of Prager "University", as well as open supporter of "maybe a man-eating lion" Donald Trump, Dennis Prager. Mainly, how much of a hypocrite he is. 
For instance, how can a man love the free market but at the same time sue YouTube for his failure? How can he say the parties never switched but also say that JFK was a Republican? How can he say he hates crony capitalism but also be for school choice? Well, it turns out his New York Times bestseller (but remember they're biased against him) Think A Second Time explains why. 
You see imminently after the chapter on why people who don't like astrology are wrong because Marxism is worse, oh yeah did I not mention that:
The notion that a planet's location determines events is hardly more absurd than the belief that history is determined by "scientific laws" of dialectical materialism. Every major prediction of Karl Marx has failed to materialize. In fact, the very opposite of what he predicted came about. Yet, despite its lack of rational basis, its unparalleled series of failures, and capitalism's ability to thrive and improve the lots of its working class, many intellectuals continue to believe in Marxism.   
Yeah, this book is kind of weird. But anyway chapter 18 is titled The Virtue of Hypocrisy, it's just as amazing as you would think. 
The end of hypocrisy won't mean that everyone is always living up to moral standards. It will mean that there are no longer moral standards against which people's behavior can be judged hypocritical.
Dennis, you were on thin ice when you called your book Think A Second Time, but this proves it. How does it go? War is peace, freedom is slavery, double standards are the only standards. But maybe I'm being unfair, let's actually look at his reasons:
the televangelist Jim Bakker was labeled as such [a hypocrite] for his sexual encounter with a young devotee. . . Hugh Hefner . . . slept with thousands of young women devotees over the course of a life [and] was never labeled a hypocrite 
The girls Jim Bakker slept with were underage, not just young. Meanwhile, I am unable to find a single story (that isn't from an insane right-wing website) that says that Hugh Hefner slept with anyone before they were the age of consent. What Hefner did (sleep with many young women) may be morally wrong, but what Jim Bakker did was definitely pedophilia. Your example doesn't even make sense, but I'm nice so I'll hear you out. 
Those who don't claim to be religious are rarely judgeable by external standards. Irreligious people therefore can almost never be deemed hypocrites. How can we ever judge them hypocritical when there is no higher standard by which to judge them? 
The standards they themselves have. Now what you need to do is convince people that your standards are the correct ones. Something you seem to try to do considering you have an entire book on how great the 10 commandments are. Shouldn't you not need to do that if you were correct?
But even then, many of your hypocrisies have nothing to do with your religious viewpoint (although you do have many of those). Don't believe, look at the start of this post and notice that none of the hypocrites that I pointed out had anything to do with your views on religion. They had to do with your views on economics, politics, and education, not religion.  
Many people want to do whatever they want and not be judged. Religion doesn't allow for that.
Isn't the whole idea of your political philosophy that people should be able to do whatever they want? You are Mr. "the bigger the government the smaller the citizen" after all. 
But at the same time, I think both Dennis and I can agree that not every principle religion spouts is good (remember, he just said "religion" and not anyone in particular). You have people on PragerU all the time that talk about how bad radical Muslims are (which you are correct on) and yet you talk about how great the vague concept of religion is. This isn't me calling you a hypocrite by the way, that would mean I believe you have standards in the first place. 
I would like to end with this, if you would like to make the case that hypocrisy doesn't make you wrong then that's perfectly fine. However, you instead have to twist that into religious-based nonsense due to you being unable to mask your true intentions. To make a long story short, you're the exact same today as you were 20 years ago because you haven't yourself even really thought a first time, let alone a second. 

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