May 14, 2018

Trump Appeases Religious Fanatics By Backing One Of The Worst Countries In The World

So it seems like Donald Trump really wants to be friends with Israel. On Monday Donald Trump declared that it was a "Big day for Israel" because Trump officially opened the US embassy in Jerusalem. Less than a week after he canceled the Iran Deal because Israel told him to
Trump has also invited some people to the opening of the embassy. The most notable of which are pastors John Hagge and Robert Jeffress. In case you're wondering, this is John Hagge:
God says in Jeremiah 16 — "Behold I will bring them the Jewish people again unto their land that I gave unto their fathers" — that would be Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - "Behold I will send for many fishers and after will I send for many hunters. And they the hunters shall hunt them" — that will be the Jews — "from every mountain and from every hill and from out of the holes of the rocks." If that doesn't describe what Hitler did in the Holocaust — you can't see that. So think about this — I will send fishers and I will send hunters. A fisher is someone who entices you with a bait. How many of you know who Theodore Herzl was? How many of you don't have a clue who he was? Woo, sweet God! Theodore Herzl is the father of Zionism. He was a Jew that at the turn of the 19th century said, "this land is our land, God wants us to live there". So he went to the Jews of Europe and said, "I want you to come and join me in the land of Israel". So few went, Herzl went into depression. Those who came founded Israel; those who did not went through the hell of the Holocaust. Then God sent a hunter. A hunter is someone who comes with a gun and he forces you. Hitler was a hunter. And the Bible says — Jeremiah righty? — "they shall hunt them from every mountain and from every hill and out of the holes of the rocks", meaning: there's no place to hide. And that will be offensive to some people. Well, dear heart, be offended: I didn't write it. Jeremiah wrote it. It was the truth and it is the truth. How did it happen? Because God allowed it to happen. Why did it happen? Because God said, "my top priority for the Jewish people is to get them to come back to the land of Israel". Today Israel is back in the land and they are at Ezekiel 37 and 8. They are physically alive but they're not spiritually alive. Now how is God going to cause the Jewish people to come spiritually alive and say, "the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He is God"?
Sorry that the quotes kind of long, it's just I couldn't find any way to cut it down without watering down how much of an anti-Semitic nut John Hagge is. Jeffress just says Jews are going to hell, but it's still odd that Donald let this man into Israel. Mind you pro-Israel people are the same group that got angry when Jimmy Carter wrote a book that was critical of Israel, but that's beside the point.
Mind you, I don't know what to expect when you consider that Israel has one of the most Warhawk foreign policies in the world. While I did cover Israel's foreign policy with Iran on the 5/8/18 edition of The Ephrom Josine Show, I neglected there much more controversial foreign policy with Palestine. Or as they know it as in Israel, the place that Israel politicians talk about committing genocide against and putting into concentration camps
Israel's treatment of Palestine has always been something that no other nation could get away with. It was basically just created one day by the UN in 1947 with no input from Palestine. Then they continued to expand their presence in the area through settlements.
It doesn't help that Israel hasn't exactly been nice to the people whose land they took. Not only are the Palestinians under constant occupation but they are also under constant blockade. And let's not even get into the many attacks that Israel has done on peaceful protesters. Including this Monday, I guess Donald was right, it really was a big day for Israel. 
So all of this leads to one very important question, why are we still supporting them? That's just something that I can't figure out for the life of me. Even when the Palestinians come up with a perfect peace deal Israel, with the help of the US and the UN, strike it down.
And it's hilarious that people honestly believe that the UN is to harsh on Israel after they let it run around unchecked. Every US Senator signed a letter saying the UN needs to stop being as harsh on Israel, I don't even know how we be less harsh on them but I guess we'll have to try. Jake Tapper said this on CNN while using whataboutism in order to make Israel look better. Meanwhile, the UN hasn't even condemned Israel in a way that matters since 2002
The segment ends with vague innuendo suggesting the only reason these countries are “singling out” Israel was antisemitism. “You have to ask, is Israel truly deserving of 86 percent of the world’s condemnation,” Tapper pontificated in his best Glenn Beck “just asking questions” mode, “or possibly is something else afoot at the United Nations?”
This is the country that Donald Trump wants us to be even friendlier with. If you ask me we're far to close to them as it is. 

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