July 16, 2018

The Weird World Of Libertarian Memes

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Just a little warning, the next column is going to be kind of, well, big. So, in order to balance it out, here's a column making fun of libertarian/ancap memes. In order for this to work, I went to a bunch of right-wing libertarian twitter pages and found some "high quality" memes. Enjoy them, with my commentary. 

Because, as we all know, poverty only exists in statist countries. Hong Kong, for instance, the place with the freest markethas 1/5 of the population in poverty

So people who support European socialism, stay with me here, aren't socialists. Most of them are social democrats who want a hybrid system. Yet, if you support universal healthcare, people like them will still call you a socialist. 

Reminder: Bernie Sanders is still the poorest member of the Senate. If he can get 3 houses while having basically nothing by Senator standards, that's a very different problem. 

Um . . . why would someone write the declaration of independence if they didn't want the United States to become an independent
nation? It's in the name after all. 

Notice how none of those books are about history. Mainly because no society has survived without government. After all, if they did you would think they would still exist today. 

Only anarchists don't understand the difference between economic and social issues. 
Image result for anarchyball memes
Speaking of things ancaps don't understand, no one is forcing you to vote. Maybe it would make sense if other anarchyballs were choosing, but otherwise, this is just idiotic.
Use links below to save image.
It's always fun when people who don't know how loopholes work talk about how long the federal register is. Take the Volcker Rule for instance, which made it so commercial banks had to get permission to engage in investment banking. At first, it was 4 pages, when it was passed it was 892 pages. I'll give you 3 choices as to what those next 888 pages are.
A-Funny drawings of Calvin and Hobbes  
B-More Regulations
C is the correct answer. 
So in conclusion, libertarians are wrong. 

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