May 28, 2018

If You're Going To Take A Challenge, Make Sure It Doesn't Involve Ann Coulter

So I figured it's time to talk about someone who I've wanted to address for a very long time. 
Recently on twitter, I decided to have a little fun and take a shot at Ann Coulter fans. Apparently, that is an act of wrong think as within hours my twitter notification was filled with people who hate thin-skinned like me and just scream nonsense whenever someone they love is criticized like a normal person does.  
I was then informed that I just don't understand the genius of Ann. You see, it takes a true intellectual to repeat Republican talking points while sounding a little mean. Then I chose to have a little more fun and asked an Ann Coulter fan which of her work he would recommend to someone like me. I asked which one, to which he told me this:
Any of them. Amazed that one could be so bold as to wager a default dismissal of her prodigious talent. Read and learn. In fact, perhaps a beatitude is in order...Blessed are the meek for they shall....
So here's the deal. I'm going to go through the first chapter of one of her books, in this case, her 2013 work Never Trust a Liberal Over 3-Especially a Republican, and we're going to see her "prodigious talent" together. Luckily for me, all of that is available in the Amazon preview so I don't have to give her any money to read it. 
The first thing I would like to point out is that Ann really needs to get her talking points figured out. For instance, look at this line from page 2 of her book:
[The left] act like [Reagan] was a good partener with liberals in winning the Cold War
Okay, no one does, but okay. What makes this odd is that on page 3, the very next page, she says this:
[L]iberals claim that Ronald Reagan didn't win the Cold War, it just ended.
So liberals act like Reagan was with them during the Cold War, which they also claim he didn't win. Again, this is literally one page apart. 
She then goes on to complain about how liberals use the courts to bully conservatives. You know, for a lawyer she does have an awful understanding of how the law works. 
The whole point of the Supreme Court is to not have the constitution change due to the majority rule. This is also why they are appointed and not elected. 
Also, I have no idea where she got the idea that the only unpopular opinions of the courts are liberal. The majority of Americans are against money in politics and yet since the 1970's more and more cases have allowed more and more money in politics. Do I really need to remind Ann how unpopular Bush V. Gore was? 
Now let's see her ignorance of history:
Reagan's tax cuts gave a huge boost to the US economy-as did tax cuts under . . . Calivin Coolidge. 
Yes Ann, let's go back to the economic policies of the 1920's. What could go wrong? As for the claim about Reagan's tax cuts, I have no idea what she's talking about. Once you take payroll taxes into account the bottom 20% had a tax increase of 15% under Reagan. On a side note, the top 1% did get a tax cut of 15%, funny how that works.
Okay, what else, what else? Oh here's her making a bad prediction:
[W]hy are any . . . bussinessmen showing up in [the Republican] presidental primiaries? They're never going to get the nomiattion
If only. Look it may seem like I'm cutting a lot out, and that's because I am. This is because of what bothers me most about Ann Coulter, she's boring as tar. Take out all the insults and times she fakes being edgy and all you get is Republican party talking points. 
I mean I guess every now and then you'll get something crazy (soccer is what's wrong with America, D-Day is a communist plot, her weird hatred of the family members of 9/11 victims) but that's few and far between.
What I'm getting at is, I'm not her biggest fan if you catch my drift. 
I would like to end with this. The original plan for this article was that I would look through many of the columns Ann put in this book and talk and about the ones that seem interesting. That fell apart when I realized, none of them were interesting. But I'll just give you some of the titles to these pieces and let you decide if they're worth your time:
-On This Aborted Fetus, the Democrats Plant Their Flag
-Only His Hairdresser Knows For Sure
-Obama Birth Certificate Spotted in Bogus Moon Landing Footage
-Negroes with Guns
-Freeze! I Just Had My Nails Done!
-Guantanamo Loses Five-Star Rating
-America Needs El Tipping Pointo
-Watching MSNBC Is Torture (To be fair, she isn't wrong in this case)  
-Media: Halliburton Paid Dick Cheney to Commit Rape in Iraq
Oh yeah I forgot to mention, she isn't funny either. 
Now if any of you need me I'm going to be someplace else, hopefully someplace where I'm not thinking about Ann Coulter. 

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