May 30, 2018

Top 5 Republican FAILS Throughout History!

I'm sure many of you have seen the recent video in which Steven Crowder lists times liberals have been wrong throughout history. So that gave me an idea, why not go through his video and not only debunk the list he came up with, but also make my own list to compete with his. 
So here we are with the Top 5 Republican FAILS Throughout History (with 5 Crowder fails)! 
Crowder "Myth" #1-Peak Oil
I mean where would people get an idea that a non-renewable resource is something that we can run out of. The fact is that at some point oil production rates are going to have to decline because there is only so much oil in existence. Unless you are really going to argue that we have unlimited oil, in which case I would like to laugh at you. 
Also, I think it should be pointed out that, you know the website about peak oil, says we will reach it around 2020. Just figured that needed to be mentioned. This is the first graph on the article from a website called 
Myth #1-Paris Climate Agreement  
You remember this, claims that by the way, Crowder himself has made. A deal that is non-binding anyway so even if it would hurt the economy, you don't have to pull out of the deal in order to not have those disadvantages. 
But that's even giving them more credit then they deserve. The truth is the Paris Climate Agreement would help the economy But that's all bad because of globalism and Agenda 21.
But even if all of that weren't true, even if it didn't help the economy and was binding it would still be worth it to help stop the effects of Climate Change.  
Crowder "Myth" #2-AIDS
Yeah, of course, he mentioned this one. Even though his views on AIDS have been debunked he's still spewing the same thing. 
The only thing I feel like I need to point out is Crowder is still making the argument that getting AIDS is your fault and we should fund diseases that people can't control if they get like cancer and diabetes. But, by his own logic wouldn't it be there fault? I mean according to him the only way to get AIDS is to have gay sex with random people or shove dirty needles in you. But can you really get throat cancer without chain smoking 20 packs of cigarettes in a day? Of course, you can but he doesn't know that. 
Myth #2-GRID
Yeah, remember this one. You know Gay-related immune deficiency or what we used to call AIDS, you know Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. You see, we used to think that the only way you could get it is if you were gay, turns out that's not true. 
To be fair, it is believed that most straight people only started getting it because of bisexuals (their boyfriends had boyfriends) but if only gays could, how would that matter?
Crowder "Myth" #3-Reagan's Star Wars Program
Crowder just sort of complains that people didn't like the fact that Reagan used this program to get welfare (during record high military spending and a record high deficit). Also, he goes into this weird rant about how the British people turned there back on Winston Churchill after the war. Ignoring that time he compared Labour to Nazi's just before the election and that he wanted to invade Russia
Myth #3-Reagan's tax cuts
As I mentioned in the last article, saying Reagan cut taxes is a very misleading statement. Once payroll taxes are taken into account the bottom 20% had their taxes increased by 15%. The 2nd poorest 20% (21%-40%) also had their taxes increased by 0.6%.   
Now, none of that would be a problem if the economy did well under Reagan, the problem is it didn't. The economy reached its worse point since the Great Depression under President Reagan, doesn't sound like a good one to me. 
Crowder "Myth" #4-Model Cities Program (More Or Less Just An Attack On The War On Poverty) 
Let's get one thing out of the way, the war on poverty HAS worked greatly. Despite two economic collapses, poverty has both stayed the same and remained LOWER than it was before the war on poverty started. 
As for his claims about Chicago ignores that it was free trade deals that caused Chicago's economy to be ruined. I'm not even making a statement about free trade as a whole (in fact I'm usually for it) I'm just stating facts.   
Myth #4-New Deal
Let's just keep this to Social Security for the sake of ease. Republicans have been talking about how it doesn't work and how it's unsustainable when none of that is true. 
Bill Clinton got social security up until the 2070's, yet it will go bankrupt in the 2030's. That's because they spent the money so it will go bankrupt, so they could try to privatize it. 
Crowder "Myth" #5-Venezuela
Okay, he has us there. 
Myth #5-Iraq  
Let's go down the list
-Sadam did not have any involvement in 9/11
-Iraq did not have WMD's
-The people in Iraq hated us after we invaded them
And that's just off the top of my head 
I could spend a whole post going into all the myths Republicans spread during the Iraq war, but this post is already getting long and I don't have the time. 

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