May 25, 2018

Tying up some loose ends

So, the last week has been pretty interesting if you're someone who follows the right-wing media. Ever since the shooting in Texas last week, the right-wing media seems to have been angrier that media covered it than they are at the shooting itself.
You may think that's an exaggeration, but you would be mistaking. Conservative Youtuber Blaire White took to Twitter to prove that:
Studies have shown that mass shooters thrive on media attention. STOP SHOWING THEIR FACES, they do not deserve fame.
I would like to know which studies show that, but that's beside the point. A little rule of thumb for my readers, whenever someone just says "studies show", they haven't read those studies. Also, didn't you give attention to radical liberals when you recorded yourself being attacked for wearing a Trump hat? I guess next time a conservative is attacked you can thank Blaire White. 
Meanwhile over on Fox, Tomi Lahren is saying the shooters name is "not worth mentioning". Mind you this is the same woman who said that Obama is friendly to Jihadists, so what does that make her? I may not know much about the shooting, but I do know that the shooter was not a Muslum. 
NRA president (and committer of treason) Oliver North also went on Fox News Sunday and had this to say on the shooting.
They’ve been drugged in many cases. Nearly all of these perpetrators are male. ... Many of these young boys have been on Ritalin since they were in kindergarten
Guns don't kill people, Ritalin kills people. The only way this statement could have been worse is if he started it with "studies show". 
You made be wondering why I'm writing this article. After all, I already have an article on this topic that was published Monday. Well while that article covered a lot there was one thing I forgot to go after. I think this idea has been best given by the twitter account Educating Liberals:
the biggest reason for the rise in school shootings is because of the decline in moral values in this country.
I've noticed this idea appear a lot, made even more radical by the replies to these tweets who really think a theocracy is a good idea. Don't believe me, here are some of the replies to some of the tweets I showed you in the previous article as well as the one I just showed you exactly as they were written.
Bill Mitchell: 
 What people don’t understand is these weapons have been around for a very long time without these issues. The issue is we have raised the most nihilistic and violent generation our country has ever seen. They are just scratching the surface of the evil they can do.
I would personally call the generation that tried to leave the US to keep slaves a little more immoral, but that's just me.
Candace Owens:
When does society tell the left that “we tried it their way and it’s been a total disaster” and it’s time to fix it! The left is the poorly raised child to whom mommy and daddy won’t dares say no to. That needs to change or we’ll be joining the muzzlames soon in the septic tank! 
Maybe if you guys didn't screw up the sex education people who were 16 (seriously, name a single person that would actually do this that isn't a teen mom) weren't getting pregnant as often than we wouldn't have that problem. 
The breakdown of the family and home - and they are trying best they can to keep God out of it all. It is the evilness in one’s heart that allows one to take such actions. 
Less than 5% of the prison population is Atheist, just saying. 
The core of this ongoing tragedy is the breakdown of our ethical, social, family and religious structure. We did have family dinners without burying our faces in an electronic device. We use to watch the start and finish of the tv schedule with a picture of the American flag.
I have an article planned on how the internet isn't giving you depression, so I'll say it for that. 
Educating Liberals:
Yep!!! Kids who are not taught that #GOD Loves them, and to Reverence HIM, are left spiritually 'bankrupt' and wide-open for demonic influence. #SchoolShootings #2A 
I just going to make a Jerry Falwell joke and leave this person alone.
 It's because they took God, and American values out of school! 
Well in order for it to be "American values" we're going to need a lot more lighthouses. 
The complete destruction of family values by one of the political parties contributes to nearly everything that happens in our society. So yes, BIG factor. 
 He is right when he says one political party is destroying family values. The party whose leader has 3 failed marriages (including his current one) and is best friends with a former bigwig in the party who left his wife because she had cancer. Which party is that again? 
 We have the nihilistic Heffnerized nirvana the leftist 60's hippies and their offspring wanted: sex, drugs, and, well, they thought they were getting rock and roll but ended up with hip hop instead. Families and values, out the window. School shootings are one of the outcomes.
I take it a hippy stole his girlfriend in high school and he's still really bitter. 
I can laugh but the fact is the idea they spread is complete nonsense. The fact is moralism is much MORE likely to kill than even the worst forms of nihilism (I don't consider myself a nihilist by the way). 
For instance, Joseph Stalin had a very strict sense of morality, as did Mao Zedong. They were so strict that if you disobeyed them they were killed. Yet no one would consider a single thing they did moral on any level.
"But what about religion?"
Well were the kings during the middle ages moral? Are the Catholic bigwigs who molested kids moral? Hitler (regardless of what his religion actually was) used Christianity in propaganda constantly, because of his sense of morality by the way. The fact is religion is often the excuse people have for already existing moral views, not what changes or creates moral views. 
Let's say any communist dictator had been a nihilist, meaning they did not believe in any morality. If so people like Castro, Stalin, or Mao would have no reason to believe that communism is morally superior and as such have less of a reason to kill over it. 
What I'm getting at is, these people really don't understand anything. 
Now I think I've debunked any case they can make. *Sees Ted Nugent blaming Diets* Of course. 

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