June 8, 2018

Will Italy Make The Right Give Up On Capitalism?

In case you haven't heard, Italy is going to have a far right "populist" (in quotes because Republicans are almost never populist) government soon, at least that's what you'll hear if you listen to conservatives. Most notably, Infowars editor and chief Paul Joseph Watson. 
In his recent video, The Truth About Italy Paul spends more time than expected for a conservative praising welfare and going against capitalism. In fact, here's a list of some more liberal views Paul seems to have adapted. 
-Getting angry at EU commission president Juncker for saying "Italians need to work harder and stop blaming the EU for there problems" 
-Praising democracy (remember these are the same people who complained about "tyranny of the majority" when Trump was "elected") 
-Supporting welfare for mothers and child care provided by the government (I wonder how much longer until he supports Universal Healthcare)
-Most notability, the man who once made a video called Why Capitalism is Great seems to have given up on capitalism in exchange for, nationalist socialism I think. 
(Note: I'm not calling Paul a national socialist as in NAZI with that last statement. I'm simply saying he seems to have a nationalist social view while having an economic view similar to socialism. For as much as I disagree with Paul, calling him a NAZI would obviously be inaccurate.)
Of course, Paul also praises the new governments view that abortion and gay marriage are plots to depopulate the world or something. Did Paul become a secret liberal and is currently trying to re-redpill his audience while throwing in some harder right views in the hope they don't notice? But what I find most interesting, as already mentioned, is Paul giving up on capitalism. I mean it's not like he's the king of principles.
Twitter has suspended known Alt-Right extremist Steven Crowder. Wait, what? Crowder? Yes, Crowder. . . Censorship of conservatives MUST be addressed by lawmaker. #FreeCrowder
No one should be forced to provide a service. Just as a gay-owned print shop shouldn't be forced to make signs for the Westboro Baptist Church. 
His rationalwiki article (yes, I'm that kind of liberal) even has a whole section about his flip-flops. But what are his newfound issues with capitalism? I'm going to paraphrase, I linked the video a little earlier in the post if you're really curious:
Global capitalism has ruined culture and identity by allowing other cultures to exist together. 
 Of course, the idea that capitalism ruins culture is straight out of the views of Karl Marx himself. The idea that capitalism erodes culture is something that communists have been pushing for a long time. Paul is also happy that the new Italian government will make Italy full of Italian culture. It seems like someone who is angry about Miss America becoming communist (I'm not joking) seems to also not know about Stalin's Russification plan.
So have social conservatives given up on capitalism in order to keep the good old fashion views? Well honestly at this point I'm not even sure they had it. 
I remember back when wife with a purpose (you know, that really silly Paleoconserative) had a twitter account she posted an image that was farms back to back with cities and simply asked: "what went wrong?". Of course, the answer is obviously a free market that allowed such cities to happen. I also recall her conspiracy mongering about child tax credits leading to the great replacement (it's a very long story) but don't quote me on that. 
The fact is the new right has long given up on the free market in replace for moralism. And it's my hope that maybe the sane can slap some sense into them like we used to. 


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