September 24, 2018

Help Someone In A Hurricane? Go To Jail.

Recently, a brave individual decided to save pets that had been misplaced in the Carolina through Hurricane Florence. This person was arrested soon after.

Because that's what cops need to be keeping us safe from. Not the murders, bankers, robbers, companies that break tax laws, all of that can wait. The real issue in this world is someone picking up a stray dog and returning it to the owner. How could they? What a monster! 

This is what happens when you have to many laws on the books. The average person commits 3 felonies a day without even knowing it due to how many we have. 1% of the population is in prison due to mostly smoking a plant we've decided shouldn't even be illegal and that was only made illegal because being black can't be. We have the largest prison population in the entire world, and yet we're still locking people up over small things like this. 

In the words of a certain president "sad!" 

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