September 10, 2018

Football Man Who Didn't Stand Up Makes Nike Millions

Recently, Colin Kaepernick (who my auto-correct seems to want me to "Colin Pumpernickel") got a $14 million contract with Nike. If you don't remember, Kaepernick became famous for being a quarterback but lost his position due to him kneeling during the national anthem just before a football game in 2016 as a response to police brutality. 

This caused him to be fired from the NFL and, as such, has spent his days as an activist. Nike decided to pick him up and the right went crazy. Rather it be attempting to boycott Nike or just downright burning the products they already payed for, which will do something. I don't know, but I think the 60,000 homeless would like those Nike products and don't care if the spokesmen didn't stand up. Especially considering a marine told him to take a knee in the first place. 

But did the boycotts work? Nope. In fact, Nike has had record sales ever since they teamed up with Kaepernick. This is because the American people either don't care about politics or want to feel part of a movement. Even if they get that feeling from something as simple as buying a pair of tennis shoes. 

Does this mean that Nike cares about police brutality? Of course not. This means they realize that they realize that people who are anti-police brutality are a stable market. This is also assuming that Kaepernick isn't doing the same thing, which may be the case. 

Either way, Nike is doing better and they deserve it.  

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