August 31, 2018

The Catholic Church, Pope Francis, and Matt Walsh

Well, another sex abuse scandal took place in the Catholic Church. Is anyone really surprised at this point? Seriously, are Catholics even surprised at this point? I'm not. Only a few years ago they were caught shuffling pedophile priests around like a game of 3 card Monty.   

Of course the church has always had a history of pure evil. Rather it be censorship, repression, or murder and war. However, the excuse I always here from self-described catholic apologist is that "was in the past". Which is true. However, the only evolution they've made are the most basic things someone could imagine. They no longer kill for leaving the religion? They should have never started doing that in the first place. 

Others tell me that the crimes of Islam are much worse than the crimes of the church. This isn't entirely wrong. But if your best excuse is that your belief system isn't as bad as the one that kills gays, makes you get gender reassignment surgery if your homosexual, doesn't treat women like human beings, and is partly guilty for the biggest terrorist attack and mass shooting in US history then your faith is pretty bad. 

Higher ups in Islam kill. Higher ups in Catholicism rape children. These are both objective facts. 

Let's not forget how much of an open secret this has been throughout all of history. It was first publicized in 1985, over 30 years ago. The church has done very little since then to stop this problem because they don't care. 

Pope Francis was forced to deal with the fact that yet another sexual abusive scandal happened. With such ground-breaking and controversial previous takes as "Climate change is real" and "If god made everything, I guess that includes being gay" said basically what you'd expect.

You see, Pope Francis is against child abuse. Not against it to the point where he wants to do anything about it. But he doesn't like it enough to the point where he's willing to complain about it just before flying his private jet to complain about climate change. And let's not forget when someone asked him about his links he refused to answer. But I'm sure that's just a coincidence. Just like how reports are now coming out that he knew about this and said nothing.

That is when the media bothers to report on it. The mainstream media has been spending so much time defending Francis and the church that it's honestly sad. You would think they were trying to censor them. Which does actually make sense considering they are the Catholic Church. Even the people who are pretending to be critical are failing right into the traps of the church.

Enter Matt Walsh, Daily Wire columnist and someone who I have spent much time taking about before. In his recent column The Worst Bullies In America Matt is angry that LGBT activists got an orphanage shut down for, as he puts it, "the crime of being Catholic". 

I have two quotes from this column I would like to share with you. However, before I do I figure I should remind you he wrote this in defensive of a Catholic owned organization that has the sole purpose of caring for kids during a sex abuse scandal involving raping kids:
It is almost irrelevant to not that the organization's original adoption policy [of not allowing homosexuals to adopt] was . . . keeping with reason and science. Studies consistently show that . . . children win same-sex parented households have higher rates of . . . abuse.
The one and only "inequality" [homosexuals have] left [to protest] was the rule prohibiting active homosexuals from donating blood, due to astronomically higher rates of HIV in the gay community. But even this is under attack and being repealed. The LGBT lobby will risk giving HIV to hospital patients if it means they get to win another battle.
I would like to remind everyone Matt is a self identified Catholic and father of small kids. If Matt's thinking is correct, most notably that statics mean everything and 100% of the time apply to individuals no matter how old they are, then shouldn't he give up his own kids? Even buying Matt's excuse it's the fault of gays within the church (it makes about as much sense as it sounds), that still means gays are common within the church. So should Matt not be allowed to have his kids. Maybe. Honestly, I'm just sick of these excuses.  


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