July 20, 2018

Throwback: Ben Shapiro's Quest For Life (As Long As They Aren't Already Alive)

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If there's one thing everyone knows about Ben Shapiro, it's that he's a huge pro-lifer. Just Google "Ben Shapiro abortion" and you'll find video after video of his explaining why abortion is wrong. Ben Shapiro cares about life, as he always has and claims he always will.
That's why I was a little surprised when I found a column he wrote in mid-2002. As the War in Afghanistan was heating up people were worried about us killing civilians and other innocent people. Pro-life Ben Shapiro responded to this by writing a Townhall column called Enemy "civilian causalities" ok by me 
A few things: Most notably "ok" is not a word. The actual work is "okay". You aren't a teenager texting, you're a nationally read columnist. Also, I wouldn't personally random people in a country enemies just because of where they live. 
It should also be pointed out that this was before Ben understood how paragraphs work, meaning he literally just wrote it as a wall of text. But let's see what he actually has to say:
I am getting really sick of people who whine about "civilian casualties."
It's only a crime of war. Why do you guys care so much? You people want America to be a nation among nations. Silly liberals, we're a nation above nations. 
Maybe I'm a hard-hearted guy, but when I see in the newspapers that civilians in Afghanistan or the West Bank were killed by American or Israeli troops, I don't really care.
Side note: Imagine how Ben would react if a liberal wrote an article with the countries reversed. 
In fact, I would rather that the good guys use the Air Force to kill the bad guys, even if that means some civilians get killed along the way.
Fun Fact: US terrorist experts have determined killing innocent people radicalizes normally non-radical people and turns them into terrorists. So Ben, why do you hate America?
For the past decade, the United States and Israel have been attempting to prove their moral superiority by attempting to minimize civilian casualties.
Wait until Ben hears about drones.
The Afghans are fundamentalist Muslims. They didn't seem to mind too much that their women were treated like dogs or that the Taliban enforced Shariah (Muslim law). So frankly, it doesn't matter to me if some of their "civilians" get killed for involvement with the enemy. 
"Everyone else sucks, so why can't I"-Ben Shapiro. Also, why is civilians in quotes?
Anyway the rest of the column is just support for Israel. Plus, considering this column is just a wall of text it's near impossible to follow. So that's it. But remember, Ben is for life as long as the lives haven't been born yet. 

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