July 2, 2018

Is The Democratic Party Being Taken Over By Socialist?

No. What do you mean that can't be the whole column? Okay fine, I'll humor this idea.
With the recent victory of Alexandra Ocasio Cortez against Joe Crowleymany think that socialism is taking over the Democratic party. I guess we're supposed to forget every Democrat since FDR was president has been accused of being a socialist because this time it is true. Roosevelt will abolish capitalism, I mean Truman will abolish capitalism, I mean Kennedy will abolish capitalism, I mean Johnson will abolish capitalism, I mean Carter will abolish capitalism, I mean Clinton will abolish capitalism, I mean Obama will abolish capitalism. And they all benefit from capitalism as well. It can't be they don't actually want to abolish capitalism, they're just hypocrites. 
But again, let's pretend this isn't just people who take Joseph McCarthy a little too seriously and actually analyze these claims. Sure, Nancy Pelosi denied it, but she's Nancy Pelosi. She's only one of the highest-ranking Democrats. What does she know? Instead, we should trust noted smart man Charlie Kirk.
The Marxists have taken over the Democrat party
 Again. These Marxists must be really bad at taking things over. I mean, they've been taking over the Democratic party for over 80 years and we still haven't had a single Democrat run on a Communist platform. 
They do not want borders, immigration enforcement, or protection of American citizen status
 Karl Mark: Anarchist. Although, it's funny because communist societies have been the most focused on borders. Just ask the East Germans about that one.
The Democrat party of old is dead
 Tell that to Dinesh D'Souza. 
These Democrats hate the idea of America, freedom, and our way of life
 As opposed to the Democrats of before who *checks history* supported slavery. 
We must defeat them 
Wait to be civil.
But don't worry everyone, Sean Hannity managed to make a list of everything Cortez stands for. He did so good that Alexandria said she may use it in a campaign ad. Did I mention Sean was trying to make Alexandria look bad? But what exactly scared Hannity so much:
Medicare For All
You know that thing basically every other first world nation has. Most of them have far better healthcare systems by the way. Oh, and 45,000 die every year due to lack of basic healthcare.
Housing as a Human Right
There are more empty homes than homeless people. Oh, and the war on homeless people costs more than it would to give them a basic home. Even if the idea is kind of vague, you can't just shove the idea of "let's give people houses" under the rug like that. 
Really, most of these are things that a lot of people can get behind. For god sake, "mobilizing against climate change" is one of them. As if remaining on the earth and keeping it inhabitable is something controversial.
You know what, it's clear the answer is no. So how about instead of wasting your time I just show you some funny reactions. You guys like that? Good.
David Brat went on Fox News to compare Cortez to the USSR. Which is odd because I never recall Cortez saying she wants to abolish profit or private property. I do recall Republicans saying she said that though.
Steve Schmidt, a former GOP strategist, said she was a "dishonest progressive". The MSNBC host even said, "it's time for the center to rise". Like what he did under Obama, and now Republicans control all 3 branches of government. Schmidt even compared her to Trump. Clearly, it's a losing political strategy when the president of the United States is doing it. 
So, while socialism may not be taking over the Democrats, it's fun watching people pretend that it is. Like it has been for the past 8 decades. 




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