June 20, 2018

No Sympathy For Illegals

So imagine this. You read a story about a criminal, the crime is irrelevant in this case, getting separated from their family. Your first reaction is more than likely "good" assuming you care at all. Now tell me this, why should that change when the crime is entering a country illegally? 
Over the past week story after story after story has come out related to kids being separated from parents at the border of the United States and Mexico. Part of me wonders why, if these parents care so much, they would try to cross the border in the first place. I mean if ICE is "the American Gestapo" (seriously, I've heard some people call it such), then why are you the Jew entering NAZI Germany? That doesn't seem like a better life to me. But I digress.
But, either way, these stories have gotten a lot of coverage. Even though, post-DACA, we have had some of the laxest immigration laws since the Reagan administration. Plus the net 0 illegal immigration from the country where the wall is supposed to be built for a decade, meaning this is a non-story. Let's not forget the media being silent about both the fact that Clinton created tough on illegal immigration policies and George W. Bush trying to build a fence (with support from both Obama and Hillary Clinton). Now George and Bill seem to have got the wives together to explain how wrong they are. You think they could have said something when they were actually in power.          
Speaking of which, Laura Bush seems to have taken the time to come out of retirement after her husband's pocket stuffing of a presidency, to talk about how bad it is that criminals get punished. It should be noted that The Washington Post is owned by billionaire Jeff Bezos. AKA one of the millionaires the Bush's love fighting for. Ivory tower or something more? 
In the six weeks between April 19 and May 31, the Department of Homeland Security has sent nearly 2,000 children to mass detention centers or foster care.
What kind of monster would create such a thing? Well, her husband
This is what I have dubbed an example of Krang's law, named after the Vice writer who goes under the name Krang T. Nelson (you can also call it pulling a Holder). Named after the time former Attorney General Eric Holder came out in favor of making cannabis legal, Krang (in a tweet I couldn't find directly) responded with:
it’s extremely cool how every single one of these dorkass politicians pull a total 180 on pot the very instant they no longer have the power to ruin people’s lives over it
Here's another example of this from Laura:
These images are eerily reminiscent of the internment camps for . . . [the] Japanese . . . during World War II
Really, because they kind of remind me of the torture (I mean enhanced interrogation that just happens to be oddly similar to torture) at Guantanamo Bay
Look, I could go on. However, there seems to be one big lie that's being spread about illegal immigrates. A lie that is currently being spread by both the left and the right, that ruins the entire conversation. 
That lie is typically in the form of the question, "what if they haven't done anything wrong?". Typically, these people will also use the phrase "undocumented immigrants" instead of "illegal immigrants". Even Secular Talk, someone who I have a massive amount of respect for, seems to have engaged in this game once or twice:
Before Bush we existed without this US version of the gestapo
IT'S BAD BECAUSE IT'S NEW. Hey Kyle, didn't we exist without the Iran Deal until 2014? You know, the same deal you were against Donald Trump pulling out of
Searching for undocumented immigrates. Who are criminals or not by the way.
Yeah, we'll come back to this. Heck, even right-wing commentators like Steven Crowder seem to have fallen for this game to some extent:
We are talking about deporting illegal immigrants, who are only caught exclusively because they were caught committing crimes.
Did you guys notice something? Maybe the fact that catching any "illegal immigrant" is catching a criminal. Don't believe me. Well, tell me, what's the first word in the term "illegal immigrant"? Illegal. What does illegal mean? It means:
not according to or authorized by law
All ICE has ever done is act like a police force. If you're against that, just admit you're an anarchist. 
Or you can keep focusing on the fact that Ann Coulter said something insane, as if she hasn't been doing that non-stop since the 90's (citation NOT needed), so you can stay in your burning building reminding yourself that "this is fine".
Update: I honestly can't stop laughing right now



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